Guru Nanak Ki Bani

Articles on Sikhism written by Sujan Singh

The articles on this site are written by Sujan Singh (1930-2007). He was a Botanist who worked for many years for the Forest Research Institute in Dehradun, and then later he ran the Mycorrhiza Network at TERI. He had a real passion for learning, with a particular interest in science and philosophy. Learning is something he did every day of his life:

"A life dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge is a life worth living" - Sujan Singh

He was dedicated to Sikhism, and lived by its tenets. His passion for science and his dedication to Sikhi lead him to many years of research on the intersection of the two. The results of that research are these series of articles you can find on this website.

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Daily Hukamnama in English

  • Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: Meditating in remembrance on the Lord of the Universe, I am emancipated. Suffering is eradicated, and true peace has come, meditating on the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. ||1||Pause|| All beings belong to Him - He makes them happy. He is the true power of His humble devotees. He Himself saves and protects His slaves, who believe in their Creator, the Destroyer of fear. ||1|| I have found friendship, and hatred has been eradicated; the Lord has rooted out the enemies and villains. Nanak has been blessed with celestial peace and poise and total bliss; chanting the Glorious Praises of the Lord, he lives. ||2||26||112|| Hukamnama from

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