Guru Nanak Ki Bani

Articles on Sikhism written by Sujan Singh


Sikhism was founded by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji over 500 years back. The followers of Sikhism are called Sikhs who were later christened by tenth guru, Sri Guru Govind Sing Ji as Khalsa in 1699 AD. Sikhs are guided by Guru Bani of Sri Guru Granth Saheb Ji deified as the guru of Sikhs by Sri Guru Govind Singh Ji during his life time.Sri Guru Granth Saheb Ji was compiled by fifth Sikh guru, Sri Guru Arjun Dev Ji and contains guru bani of seven gurus and eighteen saints. The selection of saints by guru ji for inclusion of their bani in Sri Guru Granth Saheb Ji was done solely on the basis that the basic principles in their bani were same as those in the bani of all the gurus. Sikh tenets do not believe in idol worship as well as the worship of tombs, mausoleums, trees, animals, gods and goddesses.  The leaders of some religious sects, however, tend to interpret guru bani in a way that suits their interests overlooking the basic principles of Sikhism. This website is created to interpret guru bani in right perspective for the guidance of Sikh youth as well as members of other communities who believe in Sikh tenets. 


Daily Hukamnama in English

  • Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: Meditating in remembrance on the Lord of the Universe, I am emancipated. Suffering is eradicated, and true peace has come, meditating on the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. ||1||Pause|| All beings belong to Him - He makes them happy. He is the true power of His humble devotees. He Himself saves and protects His slaves, who believe in their Creator, the Destroyer of fear. ||1|| I have found friendship, and hatred has been eradicated; the Lord has rooted out the enemies and villains. Nanak has been blessed with celestial peace and poise and total bliss; chanting the Glorious Praises of the Lord, he lives. ||2||26||112|| Hukamnama from

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